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The URL Inspector FAQ

The URL Inspector is an invaluable tool!

It is only compatible with crawler based Engines.

What does the URL Inspector do?

You can use the URL Inspector to dive deeper into any URLs to learn more details.

The Inspector will evaluate a URL and give you feedback on its findings.

Where is the URL Inspector?

There are two ways to get to the URL Inspector.

Option One

  1. Go to the Content section of the Site Search Dashboard.
  2. Paste a URL in the search bar.

If the URL has no matches there will be an option to 'Inspect this URL.'

URL Inspector - Pasting a URL.
When looking for content, if the content is not found you can add it instead. The image shows this happening.

Option Two

  1. Go to the Content section of the Swiftype Dashboard and click on any document.
  2. Find the Options drop down at the top right.
  3. Click the drop down and select Inspect.
URL Inspector - Clicking Inspect from within a document.
When within a single document, there is an Options drop down menu. Invoking it reveals

Both of these options take you to the URL Inspector landing page.

What will it be able to tell me about my URLs?

The URL Inspector gives you more details about your URLs.

If the URL is not valid:

A box that says INVALID! With a nice red triangle, for emphasis.

If the URL is blocked by domain rules:

It even gives you specific details about which white or blacklisted rules are impacting the URL and guides you with resolution steps.

The URL inspector is telling the user that there are certain pages on the blacklist. The page is currently in the blacklist rules, that's why it can't be indexed.

If the URL doesn't have a confirmed domain for the engine:

The URL inspector noticed that the domain the URL belongs to hasn't been added to Site Search. Better do that!

If the URL can't be reached, but the Site Search Crawler has crawled it before:

The Inspector Remembers. It is sure that is has seen the page before, but the page no longer exists.

If the page can't be reached:

The Inspector is cryptic sometimes. It says it can't find the page. That's all there is to it, I guess.

If the URL has not been visited by the current Crawl yet:

A crawl is in process. The URL will be indexed, but the crawler isn't there yet. It's doing a lot of work, so I try to cut it a break.

If the URL can't index a page due to a duplicate page:

The page already exists!

If the URL can't index a page due to mismatched field types:

Data types are important. The current piece of content has a contradicting data type. That means a field that already exists as a string is now, say, a float, and so the crawler won't proceed. Can't change the data types!

If indexing is in progress:

This is rare. You caught the page MID INDEX! Refresh.

Or if everything looks great for that URL:

It's not all bad! The crawler found no problems and you've received a nice looking affirmative.

You will get a confirmation that the latest version of the page is available for search as well as details on when it was last updated.

Once you've completed these steps, you should be all set!

The URL Inspector promises to take your Site Search indexing to the next level.

Stuck? Looking for help? Contact support or check out the Site Search community forum!