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Engine Type Supported?
Crawler-based Engine YES
API-based Engine YES

Search within a single DocumentType or through specific, multiple DocumentTypes.

For Crawler based Engines the default DocumentType is page.

Single DocumentType

Searching for a single DocumentType.

The query used within your search.
The Engine Key associated with your Engine. Found within your dashboard.
The DocumentType within which to search. See the API Overview for more information on DocumentTypes.
Example - An example when searching document_types. Only search through the videos DocumentType. Crawler based Engines use page as the default DocumentType.
curl -XGET '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "engine_key": "YOUR_ENGINE_KEY",
        "q": "brothers",
        "document_types": ["videos"]

Multiple DocumentTypes

Searching against one of more DocumentTypes.

The query used for a prefix match. Queries shorter than a few characters may not return results.
The Engine Key associated with your Engine. Found within your dashboard.
The DocumentTypes within which to search. See the API Overview for more information on DocumentTypes.
Example - Return results matching "brothers" in the magazines and comics DocumentTypes using a Public search query. Crawler based Engines use page as the default DocumentType.
curl -XGET '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "engine_key": "YOUR_ENGINE_KEY",
        "q": "brothers",
        "document_types": ["magazines", "comics"]


Example - Errors for limiting DocumentTypes searched to a DocumentType that doesn't exist
  "engine_key": "YOUR_ENGINE_KEY",
  "q": "brothers",
  "document_types": ["books", "folios"]
Example Response
  "records": {
    "books": [...]
  "info": {...},
  "errors": {
    "document_types": ["DocumentType 'folios' does not exist in this Engine."]
Example - Errors for fetching a field that doesn't exist in a DocumentType.
  "engine_key": "YOUR_ENGINE_KEY",
  "q": "brothers",
  "fetch_fields": {"books": ["title", "publisher"]}
Example Response
  "records": {
    "books": [...]
  "info": {...},
  "errors": {
    "fetch_fields": {
      "books": ["DocumentType 'books' does not have a field 'publisher'."]
Example - Errors for specifying search fields for a DocumentType that doesn't exist in the Engine
  "engine_key": "YOUR_ENGINE_KEY",
  "q": "brothers",
  "search_fields": {"folios": ["title"]}
Example Response
  "records": {
    "books": [...]
  "info": {...},
  "errors": {
    "search_fields": {
      "folios": ["DocumentType 'folios' does not exist in this Engine."]
Example - Errors for specifying search fields for a DocumentType that exists in the Engine but is excluded
  "engine_key": "YOUR_ENGINE_KEY",
  "q": "brothers",
  "search_fields": {"magazines": ["title"]},
  "document_types": ["books"]
Example Response
  "records": {
    "books": [...]
  "info": {...},
  "errors": {
    "search_fields": {
      "magazines": ["DocumentType 'magazines' exists in this Engine but is not included in the list of DocumentTypes to search."]

Stuck? Looking for help? Contact support or check out the Site Search community forum!