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A Tale of Two Dev Environments:

Deploying your Search engine from staging to production

If you are building out your Swiftype search engine with your staging domain and wondering how to switch to your production domain, read through the following tips!

If setting up a crawler based engine:

Option 1: Use the same engine (Recommended)

  • From your Swiftype dashboard, select the Domains tile from the Manage Your Engine section.

  • Click the 'Add a Domain' button to include your production URL as an additional crawled domain for your engine. Note: Make sure to apply the same Whitelist/Blacklist rules as your staging URL.

  • Allow for a full crawl of your production domain.

  • If the content in your production environment mirrors the content on staging, the production URLs will automatically associate with the page results currently in your engine index. When our crawler finds duplicate content on two different URLs, it selects the shortest URL to index to the result document. Since, staging URLs are typically longer than production URLs, the existing documents should update to reflect the new URLs.

  • Once you spot check your content to ensure that the production domain has been properly recognized, you can safely delete the staging URL from the Domains tab of your engine.

Option 2: Keep your staging engine, make a new production engine

  • Accounts may want to keep a separate staging engine to perform tests and try new configurations. This might not be the most ideal option, because you will need to manually recreate your synonym sets and result rankings for the new engine.

  • Follow the same steps as Option 1, but create a new engine, and only add the production domain.

If you're using our WordPress plugin:

  • It's recommended that you have a unique engine for each WordPress environment. If staging and production environments share the same engine credentials it's possible to have staging results mixed in your engine along with production URLs.

  • Since the engines are unique, any result customizations and synonym sets would need to be manually recreated for each instance.

If you've any additional questions about migrating your implementation from staging to production environments, please feel free to contact our Support team.