search mobile facets autocomplete spellcheck crawler rankings weights synonyms analytics engage api customize documentation install setup technology content domains user history info home business cart chart contact email activate analyticsalt analytics autocomplete cart contact content crawling custom documentation domains email engage faceted history info install mobile person querybuilder search setup spellcheck synonyms weights engage_search_term engage_related_content engage_next_results engage_personalized_results engage_recent_results success add arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up caret-down caret-left caret-right caret-up check close content conversions-small conversions details edit grid help small-info error live magento minus move photo pin plus preview refresh search settings small-home stat subtract text trash unpin wordpress x alert case_deflection advanced-permissions keyword-detection predictive-ai sso

Swiftype forShopify

We manage the content, Swiftype manages the search engine. We don’t even have to worry about the stack, the infrastructure, or anything—that’s all taken care of. It’s one less thing to worry about for me.

— Dan King, Documentation Lead, Shopify

Swiftype Search for Shopify
About Shopify

Shopify is a commerce platform that allows anyone to easily sell online, at a retail location, and everywhere in between.

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Shopify came to Swiftype for help with their documentation page search engine.

Why Swiftype?

They needed search fast, without diverting valuable engineering time.

Knowledge Base Search by Swiftype

Increase case-deflection and decrease your support burden with better search.

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Time is of the essence

When Shopify needed a powerful search engine for the documentation section of their website, they needed a solution they could implement fast without the need to maintain a back-end infrastructure. Shopify’s development team maintains their own search infrastructure for their core product, but, as Shopify’s Documentation Lead Dan King explained, “we were in the middle of revamping our entire product and we wanted documentation to be ready as fast as possible—we had so many things to worry about already, and we didn't want to worry about search.”

Focusing on content

At the outset, Shopify planned to use Swiftype as a short term fix—the plan was to eventually build out a new search infrastructure to power their documentation and manage search in-house. However, they were so happy with the results that it made sense to stick with Swiftype. Without the need to spend time and money maintaining search, Dan and his team can now focus on creating great content.

Strategic support

With Swiftype analytics, Shopify’s support team can be much quicker on their feet. Every week, Dan dissects the analytics email and makes sure that the search engine is returning the best results for the top queries. He then looks at the top queries that returned no results in conjunction with incoming support tickets to identify gaps in the documentation and decide where new content needs to be created. After using Swiftype for over two years, Shopify’s support page stands out because they have “a mix of two things - a powerful search engine and the right content.”

Swiftype as a partner

Since implementation, Swiftype has been there every step of the way to make sure that Shopify’s search meets their expectations. As Dan related, “every time we had an issue or anything, it was promptly resolved. It’s great—working with Swiftype feels like a business partnership, not just a pure provider/client relationship.”