Inherits from STSearchResultsObject : NSObject
Declared in STPagingSearchResultsObject.h


The purpose of STPagingSearchResultsObject is to extend the functionality STSearchResultsObject to include the paging of results. Currently, “Load More” cells are only displayed on search queries and not suggest queries when more pages are available. If multiple sections (displaying multiple document types) are on the screen and the scope filtering is enabled then the “Load More” switches from the “All” scope to that sections specific scope. See hasMorePagesInSection: for more infomation when a section is determined to have another page.

Keep in mind STPagingSearchResultsObject is a subclass of STSearchResultsObject. When overriding methods or pointing delegate or dataSource at new objects there maybe helpful functionality that is disabled as a result. It might be necessary to call super or call the delegate or dataSource callbacks implemented by STPagingSearchResultsObject to preserver some of this functionality.

Here is a list of the delegate methods that STPagingSearchResultObject implements in addition to those implemented by STSearchResultsObject:

  • searchResultsDataSource for UISearchDisplayController
    • tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: – Adds space for an extra cell if that section passes the hasMorePagesInSection: test.
    • tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: – If the index path is that of a “Load More” cell then it returns a generic “Load More” cell. Otherwise it will return nil.
    • tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: – If the selection was a “Load More” cell then it either switches to that section’s scope. If it is already in a specific document scope then it requests more results from the server and reloads the table view when the new results are available.
  • delegate for STAPIClient
    • client:didFinishQuery:withResult:withType: – merges the new record data in with the current record data. Then makes a call to super client:didFinishQuery:withResult:withType: with the merged records as the result.


Other Methods

  • – isIndexPathMoreCell:

    Determines if the index path could be a load more cell. Which means the section has more pages and the row is the last index.

  • – loadNextSearchResultPage

    Requests that the server load the next page of search result data. If the previous searchType was a STSearchTypeSuggest then this method is a no-op.

  • – hasMorePagesInSection:

    Determines if a specific section has more pages to load.

Other Methods

Instance Methods


Determines if a specific section has more pages to load.

- (BOOL)hasMorePagesInSection:(NSInteger)section



The section index to test

Return Value

BOOL indicating if a section has more pages

The result will be true of the following condition are met:

  • searchType is STSearchTypeSearch
  • recordSectionOrder length is greater than 0
  • The number of rows in the section is greater than 0
  • Current page is not the last pages
  • The number of sections is greater than 0
  • The number of sections is equal to 1 or if it is greater than 1 the scope bar allows filtering based on the document type.


Determines if a specific section has more pages to load.

Declared In



This is the designated initilizer for STSearchResultsObject.

- (id)initWithViewController:(UIViewController *)controller



The controller that the search results will be presented over. This is the same as the UISearchDisplayControllers searchContentsController.

If nil is passed to controller then STSearchResultsObject will not create a UISearchDisplayController. It is then the responsibility of the subclass to provide UI that renders the search results.


This is the designated initilizer for STSearchResultsObject.

Declared In



Determines if the index path could be a load more cell. Which means the section has more pages and the row is the last index.

- (BOOL)isIndexPathMoreCell:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath



Index path of the cell

Return Value

BOOL indicating if the index path is a “Load More” cell


Determines if the index path could be a load more cell. Which means the section has more pages and the row is the last index.

Declared In



Requests that the server load the next page of search result data. If the previous searchType was a STSearchTypeSuggest then this method is a no-op.

- (void)loadNextSearchResultPage


Requests that the server load the next page of search result data. If the previous searchType was a STSearchTypeSuggest then this method is a no-op.

Declared In
