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Brand Assets


Swiftype's official logo is provided here for press or promotional use. Please do not edit, distort, recolor or restyle the logo.

The full-color logotype should be used whenever possible. Single color versions, in vector and raster format, can be downloaded from the press kit.

The glyphs without text may be used wherever space is limited (for example, in a mobile app). The version of the Swiftype logo without the rounded rectangle is used only for avatars on social media accounts. The outline version of the icon should be used for single-color prints, embossing, or whenever full-color is not possible.

Please note, use of the Swiftype logo should never suggest or imply endorsement from Swiftype.


Swiftype Red
Swiftype Blue
Swiftype Yellow


Make sure to spell our name correctly when referencing Swiftype in text! Swiftype is always capitalized and spelled with one ‘t’, not two.


Press Kit

Our press kit includes the Swiftype logo, screenshots of our product, and promotional photos.